วันอังคารที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Art Exhibition

Art Exhibition
Last Friday I went to see art exhibition call “Dol Jai”. In the exhibition there were many pictures but not also picture there were the hand made creation and essay. I saw peter’s shelf there were the essay and the picture. This corner made me confuse about art because this corner’s topic is about what is art.
This shelf was full of questions “what is the art?” and questions like that. It made me think again what is the art and I still confuse. I use to think that the art was only the beautiful picture or the wonderful model. But after I saw Peter’s shelf it made me think again and I confused. Now I think the art is according to the audiences that see the art. The audience will decide which art is. Although it was only a lot of space picture, sepia photo, mess image, wonderful frame, black and white picture, animal’s art it is all art. there are no unit to decide what is art or what is not. Therefore all creatures in the world are art , it according to the people that see.

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Beyond the Sea

Beyond the Sea
LyricsArtist(Band):Bobby Darin

Somewhere beyond the sea

somewhere waiting for me
my lover stands on golden sand
sand watches the ships that go sailin

Somewhere beyond the sea
she's there watching for me
If I could fly like birds on high
then straight to her arms

I'd go sailin'It's far beyond the stars
it's near beyond the moon
I know beyond a doubt
my heart will lead me there soon

We'll meet beyond the shore
we'll kiss just as before
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
and never again I'll go sailin'I know beyond a doubt
my heart will lead me there soon

We'll meet (I know we'll meet) beyond the shore
We'll kiss just as before
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
and never again I'll go sailin'

no more sailin'
so long sailin
'bye bye sailin'...move on out captain


I am the sailor or the captain that work on the boat and always far from the land. I always see the sea around me.

There is some place in the far, far away from the sea and there is someone in that place waits me. That is my lover that always loves me, she is waiting for me. She is on the land and always stands on the golden sand. She always comes to the beach wait for see me when I come back to her, but there are only the ships that sail into the sea.

If I could fly, I would fly toward to you. I would fly to your hug like a bird fly back to the nest to meet its lover and its baby. But now I must to stay on the boat and sail beyond the sea.

The place that I stay is very, very far from the star and far from the moon too. I know what I want clearly. It is I want to go back to see my lover and my heart will lead me back to see my lover soon.

We will meet together at some beach that far away from here. We will kiss like in the past and we will both happy when we see together. Then I will not go to sail again. I will stay with my lover at the land.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My Parent’s Opinions

My parents think that to have the good life, we must control ourselves. My parents always practice themselves to control themselves neatly about the feeling. When they are angry they try to stop it and cool down their feeling. They pray to the Buddha before go to bed every night because they think if we pray the Buddha, we will have more concentration and consciousness to control ourselves. The results are pretty good after they practice about the mind.

Sometimes when my brother and me are naughty my parents think if they had no children, they would live easily. But sometimes I help my parents, they think the children are important for their live.

My parents think that the main task for the teenager is studying. Teenagers should get the good school for good society. That is the reason why my parents decide me and my brother to study at my school. My parents see that my school is a school that have the strange identity and not same as other school. There are the good societies in this school.

My parents think the society in the family and at my school are good enough but in the city there are many bad things such as drug criminal.

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

When i do Something special

I have many important things and special things that I have done. The special thing that everybody has done is a test. I am always worried before a test and when I am doing test because I think I cannot do the test. The main factor is I didn’t read the book before test so I worry about the test.

There are a lot of good things that I should do and sometimes I have done it but sometimes l didn’t want to do it and deny it. When ateacher wants some volunteers to do something good or help the teacher to do something, I am nervous. If I help teacher to do something I will waste my time, or not, and those thing is very hard, isn’t it. I think it sort of special thing; it’s really a good thing to help other people. After I decided to be a volunteer and help teacher to do something good I felt pleasant and thought that the thing that I have done is a good thing it’s absolutely better than I have done bad thing. I feel good when I have done something good and get the word “thank you”.

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Last week I went to Kao-Sarn road with my friends. We interviewed foreigners from many countries such as Holland, Italy, France and Australia. We learnt that the cultures in many countries are different and I learnt that there is no line to divide the culture for many countries. There are no rules about culture and culture is according to a person not only a country.

We interviewed a man who came from France about his country and asked the next person that came from France too, I found that the answer of 2 people in the same country about culture is different. It tells me that the culture is their own opinion.

I think all culture from many countries is good. There is a little bad culture such as rape or killing other people but sometimes Thai people think western culture is bad such as nudity, because Thai people should wear clothes politely in some Thai peoples opinion. In some country you should burp after you finish the meal to tell other people that the meal is delicious but in Thai culture we think it’s horrible.

If somebody asks me about Thai culture, the first thing that I can think is smile Thai people love to smile although you are sad, serious or bore,d if you turn your mouth to smile the happiness will come.

Young People Today

Nowadays in Thai society, there are many kinds of teenagers. Some teenagers are good and some teenagers are bad. I am a teenager today. I think I have good things and bad things in me.

Teenagers today are good at technology, we know how to use a computer to find the information on the Internet. Teenagers in the past cannot do like this because there was no computer and Internet in the past so teenager today is more clever at technology. Some teenagers today use technology for fun without knowledge. Some young people use computer and internet to play games only. It is not good to play games in front of a monitor for many hours, monitors can hurt your eyes and some games are about violence, it can make some teenagers come violent. Some teenagers use technology in the wrong way. They make the virus in computer and send it to other people, it makes computers fail at work.

Some teenagers today have sex and get pregnant. I think it’s not good to be pregnant in the school life or in university because teenagers should study without worrying about being pregnant. After some teenagers become pregnant, some of them decide to abort a little life in their uterus. I think it’s very bad to kill a life that will be born in the next time.

Today many teenagers use a lot of money to buy fashion clothes. I think it’s ok to wear nice clothes or brand name clothes but it wastes a lot of their parent’s money.

If you are a teenager, you can decide to do bad things or good things for society. But if all of teenagers are good teenagers, every society must be the good society and we will have a nice world.

Who am I ??

Hi everybody who is seeing my blog. This is my first time to write my essays on the online blog.

I write my essay on this blog for the English subject. I think writing essay on the online blog is good and bad at the same time. It’s good because it makes me practice English grammar and I can read the commenst of my essay from other people in this world. But there are a lot of dangerous things on the online internet.

Now it’s time to introduce myself.
My name is Than. I am a 15 year-old young man. I study in Matthayom 4, it’s equal grade 10. I am a young man with short black hair, dark brown eyes and a giant nose. I am Thai.

I study in the science class because I like to learn it. My favorite subject is biology because I like to study about my body and want to know what is in my body. Biology is an interesting subject, but this subject is very hard for me, however I always like this subject. I plan that I will study at Biotechnology, Mahidol University.

I like to watch movies, but I always fall asleep every time that I watch a film although it’s an action film with loud noise. My favorite sport is basketball and tennis although nowadays I don’t play tennis but I also like it. If I have a spare time I will go to tennis court and play it again. My favorite activity is to sleep. I like to eat noodles with minced pork. I love to eat chocolate including dark and milk chocolate. I like to take a trip to the beach with my friend, swim in the sea all day long and play card at night. My favorite cards game is Dummy.
I don’t like to read books but comics are ok. I don’t like vegetables which are bitter but I like vegetables in salad because salad sauce makes it taste great.

Thanks for reading my blog. You can comment anything what you want in my blog. Now it’s time to go to bed. I feel sleepy. I’ll write another essay in the next several days. Bye…..