วันจันทร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Last week I went to Kao-Sarn road with my friends. We interviewed foreigners from many countries such as Holland, Italy, France and Australia. We learnt that the cultures in many countries are different and I learnt that there is no line to divide the culture for many countries. There are no rules about culture and culture is according to a person not only a country.

We interviewed a man who came from France about his country and asked the next person that came from France too, I found that the answer of 2 people in the same country about culture is different. It tells me that the culture is their own opinion.

I think all culture from many countries is good. There is a little bad culture such as rape or killing other people but sometimes Thai people think western culture is bad such as nudity, because Thai people should wear clothes politely in some Thai peoples opinion. In some country you should burp after you finish the meal to tell other people that the meal is delicious but in Thai culture we think it’s horrible.

If somebody asks me about Thai culture, the first thing that I can think is smile Thai people love to smile although you are sad, serious or bore,d if you turn your mouth to smile the happiness will come.
